Press release
Wöhner included in the circle of "major German brands" by the German Design Council
Rödental, October 11, 2021 – Wöhner, a leading solution provider in the field of power distribution, control technology and renewable energies, has been honored by the German Design Council as part of the publication series "The Major German Brands". As one of the market leaders in electrical engineering, Wöhner lives its passion for electrical energy and for systematic brand work in every aspect – a good reason for the German Design Council to include the company in the circle of outstanding German brands.
For more than nine decades, the family-owned company Wöhner has stood for forward-looking technologies for the distribution and control of electrical energy. The inventive spirit, the high level of innovation and the resulting impetus on the market have made Wöhner an innovation leader, a key player in its sector and a German brand that stands for energy distribution like no other in Germany.
"The award from such a distinguished panel is a great honor for Wöhner. Intensive and committed brand management is crucial for us and is part of the company's DNA. It is more than gratifying that this work has now been honored by the German Design Council – it gives us also a reason not only to maintain our efforts but to continue to excel," says Philipp Steinberger, CEO of Wöhner.
Successful brand work stands for increased visibility and is crucial for corporate success, especially in turbulent times. Under the title "Design. Brand. Innovation.", the current volume of the publication series sheds light on strong brands. They are the core element of successful corporate management. "The Major German Brands" reflects the entire spectrum of German industry. All companies presented here tell their own success stories and show how their brand orchestrates change on the one hand and consistency across all points of contact on the other.
The gala for the official award ceremony on October 7th at Soho House in Berlin is being supported by the Federal Minister of Economics and Technology, Peter Altmaier, as well as Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission. The guest list includes representatives of the award-winning companies as well as leading personalities from business, culture, and politics.
Woehner Electrotechnical Systems sas
di Woehner Electrotechnical Systems GmbH
Viale Tunisia, 29
20124 Milano
+39 02 636 701-1
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